Clarity of Purpose

I have been talking with a lot of people recently about where my project should go, how to get back on track, and what I need to do to complete my MFA. I know, small stuff, right? The strange thing (or perhaps entirely appropriate) is that I have been getting a lot of the same advice.

Two very important people to me said different things that ultimately lead me to a joint conclusion.

The first told me to think smaller.
The second told me to be more clear.

What this ultimately leads to is a realization that what my work needs more than anything is a clear concept. A single-sentence, driven, tight, comprehensible concept. I am thinking smaller in the sense that I am not trying to tackle the world on statement and image making, and more clear in that the information I am trying to convey will be distilled into something sharp and poignant. I hope. That is the goal.

Of course, I am still working on what that concept is, but at least now I feel as though I have direction to lead me to a place where I can really start to make solid, definitive progress. Hey, don't mock. It is more than I have had for the past four months. Something, anything, is a step in the right direction at this point. I don't want the blank canvas anymore. I want to paint.


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