Looking Up

It has not been an easy few months. When I decided to return to photography after six years in a relatively lucrative corporate position I knew it wouldn't be. Everything that is worth doing is worth struggling for, worth whatever heartache, obstacles, and pressures come your way.

Getting this MFA was worth doing. Despite the long and hard academic road, the trials and tribulations of living 200 miles from my husband, the financial hole I dug for us - despite all of that, this road was worth taking. I will never look back at my choices and think "what if." Never. I pursued my dream and it has gotten me here.

And here seems to be acknowledging my struggles. I have now had three articles published, two about well-respected photographers and one about me. Three more are in the queue with various publications to be published soon. I was just recently asked to join Photographer's Forum magazine as their book reviewer and will be starting a position teaching photography at Grossmont Community College next week, and am working on a book with three photographic veterans due out later this year.

During this whole experience I have often returned to The Artist's Way to try and find a path, find some self-motivation, even find courage. One of Cameron's repeated mantras is to prepare yourself mentally and emotionally for your desired artistic endeavor and then let The Universe Know. "I'm ready, Universe. I am ready for the door to open. I will walk through."

The nice thing about Cameron's universe is that it can serve whatever function makes sense to you. It can be Serendipity, God, The Great Creative Flow, Genius, or anything else that allows you to realize that you don't have to go it alone. Something out there wants you to be creative. Some power in our existence wants positive energy to flow from everyone, and when you open yourself up to it, amazing things begin to happen.

I think my first Serendipity (as I prefer to refer to this force) came in the form of my beautiful and talented sister, Jenn. After all, she's the one who gave me a personal copy of The Artist's Way. Everything else fell into place after that.


JQ said…
Your hard work IS paying off. Love you.

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