
There are some curious new phenomena I have been seeing in the world that seem directly related to my final project. I am a little concerned, actually. I am not certain if these help or hurt my point and my show. I will certainly be able to use this for the final document, but I am not sure what the statement really is in relation to where we are, what we are doing, and how advertising is starting to use the same mechanism that I am using. Thoughts?

This popped up on my Yahoo account:

And I saw this one on TV earlier this week: Gillette Commercial.


Moose Tucker said…
Okay, so even though there aren't any responses here (come on, people) my class did present me with some positive feedback. Namely, if this shooting technique is being used in popular media, then I am on the right track. Apparently these two phenomena are actually a good sign. I should be thrilled. I am not yet, but I am working on it. Maybe I am ahead of the curve. Maybe I am behind. I am still waiting to see.

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