A Momentary Pause
There is a lot of turmoil in the air, a lot of questions about the future, about the instruction, about everything that has lead us to where we are now. We are a group of 6 now, having lost some wonderful minds and beautiful talents for a variety of reasons. But those that remain, the 6, the first 6 to move through the Brooks MFA program from the start, we are a unit stronger for the challenges that we have faced. We are bonded and connected. We are each unique, but also each a part of something greater that we all understand, though it needs not be put into words. Whatever it is that we have become a part of, we are not scoffing, not disrespecting, but accepting as a movement of 6 souls through a powerful and essential process. We are each stronger for having been one of the 6, each benefiting equally from the other 5. The reason I am given pause is that the first year is rounding out. The first three studio classes and seminar classes are over now. Those with Tim Bradley and ...